Impersonation e-mail attacks-Important notice

Date: February 7, 2025

Dear friends & partners,

It has come to our attention that emails are being sent with the displayed sender supposedly being “Andersen Legal” from Gmail accounts that do not belong to the Company.

They mention various legal issues as the “Subject,” such as “Copyright Infringement Notice.”

Please be particularly careful and thoroughly check the email address from which these messages originate to confirm to whom it belongs. Do NOT OPEN ATTACHMENTS, WEBSITE LINKS, etc., contained in these messages unless you verify that they indeed come from an Andersen Legal account and a specific partner of the Company.

Andersen Legal communicates with its clients and any third party regarding collaboration and legal matters only through email addresses that nominally belong to the Company’s partners.

We clarify that our systems remain absolutely secure, and this incident involves third parties who falsely present their email address as ‘Andersen Legal.’

Please inform us if you become aware of any related incident.