Happy Data Protection Day, 28th of January 2022

Date: January 28, 2022

The Data Protection & Privacy team of Andersen Legal, Greece wishes you all a Happy Data Protection Day! May this year, with all challenges included, amidst the pandemic, raise compliance levels and privacy awareness across all industries and sectors.

To celebrate this day, our team has prepared a short list with 5+1 privacy tips, in order for you to be prepared in 2022.

PRIVACY: 5 + 1 Tips for 2022 

Remember To: 

  1. Train your employees:  Train your employees by conducting regular awareness sessions, so that they understand their responsibilities for safeguarding data and in order to maintain privacy awareness.
  2. So they can…. Update your Data Map: Make sure that your data map is up to date, and it covers all the new personal data processing activities.
  3. And then… Update your Privacy Notices: Ensure that your Privacy Notices are up to date and that they align with the updated data map.
  4. Do not forget, it’s not 2018 anymore… Update your Policies & Procedures: Update your policies and procedures, in order to cover all new circumstances, such as teleworking.
  5. Review your new high-risk activities by conducting a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA):Carry out a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) when the processing could result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons (e.g. Whistleblowing & Anti-Harassment procedures, etc).
  6. Last but not least… Monitor and audit your Processors: Conduct regular audits in order to ensure that your processors provide an adequate level of protection regarding personal data and comply with GDPR.  

 You can download the file here: Privacy 5+1 Tips for 2022


*The Council of Europe launched a Data Protection Day to be celebrated each year on 28 January, the date on which the Council of Europe’s data protection convention, also known as “Convention 108” was opened for signature back in 1981 in Strasbourg. This Convention is considered the founding binding international instrument protecting the individual against risks and abuses that might arise from the collection and processing of personal data, while providing guarantees safeguarding respect to this essential right. Source: Council of Europe

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