Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus Tax News: VAT Refund of Plot land
The Cyprus tax authorities announced on 24 September 2019 that individuals who had purchased undeveloped building land on or after 2 January 2018 for the sole purpose of constructing a dwelling to be used as their principal and permanent place of residence would be entitled to a partial refund of the VAT paid.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Deemed dividend distribution due end of 2019
Cyprus tax resident companies must declare at least 70% of their 2017 accounting profits by 31 December 2019 and pay the resulting special contribution for defence of 17% and National Health Contribution of 1,7% by 31 January 2020
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus Tax News: Tax Allowances Individuals
On 19 December 2019, an amending Income Tax Law (ITL) was published in the Cyprus Official Gazette, providing for an increase to the annual limit for certain allowances which are deductible from an individual’s taxable income.
Posted in LITIGATION & DISPUTE RESOLUTION, News, News for Greece
Mediation: A new reality
The legal framework (Law 4640/ 30.11.2019) introduces the compulsory mediation in commercial and civil disputes, concerning mediation in national and cross-border disputes.
Posted in News, News for Greece, TAX LAW PRACTICE
Article 50: New rules in liability of companies’ management
According to the 50 of the Tax Procedure Code, the individuals who are managers, presidents, administrators, managing directors, chief executives to the management and liquidators of the legal persons and the legal entities at the time of their dissolution or merging,
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus-Ukraine Double Tax Treaty
On 30 October 2019, the Ukrainian parliament approved the ratification of the Cyprus-Ukraine DTT protocol, which was signed back in 2015. The Protocol is now in force and will be in effect from 1st January 2020.
The Future of the Legal Profession
There are many aspects of our working and personal live that have already been transformed in some way and there is a significant wave of change still to come. Despite the shift in the way we live and work, it is more than clear that the relationship of legal practitioners with their clients remained unchanged.
Our new GDPR IN A BOX website is live
Andersen Legal has launched its GDPR in a box new website and we are excited to present its new look. Our site is dedicated to GDPR services and provides more information and a detailed description of each GDPR box.
Posted in News, News for Greece, TAX LAW PRACTICE
Andersen Tax, Greece – Leading Tax Firm 2020
Andersen Tax ranked as Leading Tax firm for fifth consecutive year by the “World Tax” 2020 edition.
World Tax grants annual awards to tax advisory practices and law firms around the world that demonstrate outstanding performance in their specific field. -
Posted in CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL PRACTICE, News, News for Greece
Companies’ Transformations: The new status for shareholders and businesses
Under L. 4601/2019 (Government Gazette A’ 44/09.03.2019) on companies’ transformations, greek enterprises finally get the chance to participate in large business forms with growth prospects, since all barriers imposed under the previous legislative framework are now belong to the past.