Posted in News, News for Cyprus, News for Greece, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY (TMT) PRACTICE
Technological advancements and their Impact on the Practice of Law
Over the past several years, technology has had a significant impact on the practice of law. Several technological innovations have come out recently that are changing the legal profession on significant basis.
Posted in CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL PRACTICE, News, News for Greece
Nikos Siakantaris’s Interview: Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register – Pros & Cons
During his interview at capital.gr, Nikos Siakantaris commented on the risks and opportunities of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus, TAX LAW PRACTICE
Cyprus signed a new tax treaty with Egypt
On 8 October 2019, Cyprus signed a new tax treaty with Egypt.
The treaty is going to replace the existing tax treaty between the two countries that has been in effect since 1996. -
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus: New administrative penalties for late filings to the Registrar of Companies
Following recent amendments to the Cyprus Companies Law, Cap. 113 (“the Law”), the Registrar of Companies will impose administrative penalties on certain filings submitted after the prescribed timeframes as provided by the Law. The imposition of the administrative penalties will be effective from 18 December 2019
Posted in CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL PRACTICE, News, News for Greece
Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register: Risk & Opportunities
Anti Money Laundering Directive (AMLD) is a set of regulatory requirements issued by the European Union (EU) containing rules to combat money laundering and terrorist financing by EU member states. In this content, law 4557/2018 introduced the establishment of the ultimate beneficial owner register that puts an end to the unanimity of shareholders.
Posted in News, News for Greece
Andersen Team Building Activity
Last Friday, Andersen Tax & Andersen Legal employees had the chance to update their bowling knowledge and to practice their technics during a mini bowling championship.
Data Protection By Design & By Default; the Real Challenge
This article comments on the recent decisions of the Greek Data Protection Authority imposing fines on a telephone service provider for failure to comply with -amongst others- the principle of data protection by design.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus, TAX LAW PRACTICE
Cyprus companies: Methods of dissolving a Cyprus company
Often, the question arises how a company can be ‘killed off’. In common law jurisdictions, there are two main methods: strike – off and liquidation.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus, TAX LAW PRACTICE
Cyprus: Transfer Pricing required in 2018 Corporate Income Tax Declaration
The Cyprus Tax Department has issued the 2018 Corporate Income Tax Declaration, which requires to confirm whether a Transfer Pricing study for intra-group financing arrangements has been prepared.
GDPR Flash News: Data Protection by Design & by Default
This Flash Report comments on the decisions of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority issued in September 2019 imposing fines amounting to 400.000 euros in total upon a telephone service provider.