Posted in EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE, News, News for Greece
Act 4722/2020: The main labour provisions
Law 4722/2020 has been published (Gov. Gazette 177/Α’/15.09.2020), which ratifies the Legislative Content Acts from 10.08.20120 and 22.08.2020 and, amongst other urgent issues, includes other provisions for dealing…
Posted in EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE, News, News for Greece
Paraskevas Zourntos is our new Partner for the Employment Practice
Our firm is pleased and proud to announce that Paraskevas Zourntos is our new partner for the Employment practice. Paraskevas has distinguished himself through
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus Tax News: Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law amended
To improve tax compliance, strengthen tax collection and provide additional enhanced powers to the Commissioner of Taxation, Cyprus recently amended its Assessment and Collection of Taxes Law.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
DAC6 Filing Deadlines: Cyprus opts for 6-month deferral
The new Council Directive (EU) 2020/876 was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on the 26th June 2020 (the “new Directive”) and entered into force the day after of the publication.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus IP Box regime amended
The Cyprus Tax Legislation was recently amended with respect to the tax treatment of intangible assets providing increased flexibility to taxpayers benefiting from the Intellectual Property (IP) Box regime.
Episode #2 Schrems II Decision: How EU-US data transfers are affected
On episode 2 of the Andersen Legal Podcasts, our associate Simeon Kretsis discusses with Katerina Kotika the “SCHREMS II” decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, and how EU-US data transfers are affected.
Posted in Associates, Team
Katia Gritzapi
Phone: (+30) 210 3626971 Katia Gritzapi Associate Katia Gritzapi is a lawyer and a member of Athens Bar Association. She has been involved in complex cases, with notable success throughout her law practice, and has broad experience in several areas of law, which include civil, corporate and commercial law. Katia has worked in several prestigious [...]
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus Tax News: VAT Update – Recent Amendments
The following amendments have been recently implemented into Cyprus VAT legislation:
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus Tax News: New procedure for stamping documents
The procedure for stamping documents that are based on the value of the document/contract has changed, the Commissioner of Taxation recently announced.
Posted in News, News for Cyprus
Cyprus Tax News: Double Taxation Treaty – Russia
On 10 August 2020, Cyprus and Russia concluded the negotiations of a new protocol to amend the existing provisions of the Cyprus-Russia tax treaty.